Hope you all had a chocolate filled, egg painting/rolling weekend. Whatever your beliefs I'm sure we can all appreciate a creme egg or two.
Most illustrations I work on are started and completed within a reasonably short space of time but sometimes the 'for the fun of it' illustration can be worked on over a number of months and even years. This Easter image was started over a year ago and has been tweaked and fiddled with on a few spare days here and there and finally finished in time for this Easter (although you get to see it after the main event). I think the longest I spent on one illustration was three years, pencilled it one year, inked the next and coloured the following.
The Mayan's worshipped the Cacao Tree (Cacao meaning 'God Food') and the Latin name for the tree is 'Theobrama Cacao' meaning 'Food of the Gods'. So there you go. Remember to click on the image for bigness!
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