Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Star Wars - Bib Fortuna
Michael Carter played the part of Bib (although didn't voice him), he's a good Scots lad from Dumfries with a long list of credits to his name. My favourite though has to be his scene in An American Werewolf in London, he's the chap running through the London underground, what a brilliant scene, love it.
And I think I'll give the Star Wars theme a break for a bit now, its always fun and I will certainly return to it but for now time for a change.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Hell Ride
Another one of my back burner projects is a cover painting of the Marvel character, Ghost Rider.
In preparation for this I built a very quick model of the bike.
I based this on a broad range of references from the comics. Sometimes the bike is drawn quite fantastical and sometimes more conventional, it just depend on the style of the artist who's drawing the strip at the time. My favourite had to be the version with the evil skull face plate and I took my lead from that.
In preparation for this I built a very quick model of the bike.
I based this on a broad range of references from the comics. Sometimes the bike is drawn quite fantastical and sometimes more conventional, it just depend on the style of the artist who's drawing the strip at the time. My favourite had to be the version with the evil skull face plate and I took my lead from that.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Very Old Art
This is a page of 'Partee 2 ' which I drew when I was at college in the late 80s. I never finished the story . As I remember it was changing style every page or so , so the thing was wildly inconsistent looking. This is a normal thing with young artists I discover. It was inked with a Winsor & Newton Series 7 brush. That was my weapon of choice at the time. I've since gone back to brushes ( well brush pens at least ) so I find this oddly similar to what I'm doing now.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Psychic Paper
Doctor Who's Wallet with his psychic paper, for getting one's self out of tricky situations not solved by the Sonic Screwdriver.
©2012 BBC/Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. BBC, DOCTOR WHO (word marks, logos and devices), TARDIS, DALEKS, CYBERMAN and K-9 (word marks and devices) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence. BBC logo © BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo © BBC 2009. Tardis image © BBC 1963. Dalek image © BBC/Terry Nation 1963. Cyberman image © BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. K-9 image © BBC/Bob Baker/Dave Martin 1977
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Star Wars - Han Solo
Back to drawing Harrison Ford and my quest to capture his likeness on paper, seriously he isn't easy, still I'm pretty happy with this one I think I caught the essence of the guy pretty well without going into major detail.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Jonday on the clock
Still monday technically, even if it is half past ten.
So I've been doing some experimenting with sketching and timing myself. One piece of evidence follows:
So I've been doing some experimenting with sketching and timing myself. One piece of evidence follows:
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Rolling back the years
I found this online a while back. Dredd over the years since 1977.
My version of him appears in 1998 .
My version of him appears in 1998 .
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Esteban Maroto - trashed
Back in 2003 when I was living in France and drawing 'Family' for the Megazine. I was regularly chatting with Frazer Irving on ...whatever IM system was fashionable at the time. I had found a whole bunch of kinky pencil illustrations by Esteban Maroto ( one of my heros ) and I thought it would be fun to try and ink them . Just for fun and maybe to learn something. So I did this one and Fraze did another one. Sadly I don't have a copy of the one Fraze did. I seem to remember it was excellent , which will surprise no one here I'm sure.
The pencils were printed out Blue-Line and then inked with a Zebra G-nib or maybe a Maru pen . I don't remember.
The pencils were printed out Blue-Line and then inked with a Zebra G-nib or maybe a Maru pen . I don't remember.
Friday, November 16, 2012
W is for Wolverine
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Who's Scotland
Dr Who's Scotland! The place with the monks and werewolves and Queen Victoria.
©2012 BBC/Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. BBC, DOCTOR WHO (word marks, logos and devices), TARDIS, DALEKS, CYBERMAN and K-9 (word marks and devices) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence. BBC logo © BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo © BBC 2009. Tardis image © BBC 1963. Dalek image © BBC/Terry Nation 1963. Cyberman image © BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. K-9 image © BBC/Bob Baker/Dave Martin 1977
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Star Wars - Boushh
As a family I wouldn't say we where poor by any means but we didn't spend money wastefully and while every other kid had Star Wars figures aplenty it took until I was given pocket money and saved up myself before I started collecting the toy figures. The very first figure I bought was Boushh (with the removable helmet to show… oh my gosh it was really… ). I never had an extensive figure collection, could never afford any of the vehicles or ships but I was happy with what I had. I'll mention a remarkable act of kindness shown to me by my brother. One Saturday I was poorly and while watching the wrestling (Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks not WWF in those days) my brother went out to town, when he came back he had been to the Co-op toy department and bought me a Gamorrean Guard figure. I'm still suspicious to this day, surely he was after something or trying to make up for some wrong doing but I guess really he was just being a most excellent big brother. Thanks mate :)
Monday, November 12, 2012
Jonday - Monster Island
Just released onto the intarwebs yesterday - cover for the forthcoming Runequest 6 book Monster Island from The Design Mechanism

Sunday, November 11, 2012
God's hitman
He's a holy man who hunts demons but he's no angel himself and there's no rest for the wicked.
Please check out the Vixens Facebook page this month for your chance to win a VVW T shirt.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Sir Alasdair
From quite a few months ago for The Onyx Path, The Lost; Victorian book. © The Onyx Path 2012. (sorry folks! I've managed to post late 2 weeks running! oops...)
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Star Wars - AT-AT
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Raiders of the lost Arc-hives
Unearthed this really old sketch from the early 2000's. It was for a TV show that speculated what if dinosaurs didn't die out, how would they evolve and would they have experienced periods similar to humans, Bronze Age, Medieval etc.
Big boned
A robot that I drew for my own sick amusement.
Friday, November 2, 2012
BHP sketches
A few of the quick sketches done for customers at the Black Hearted Press ( ) launch event on Wednesday night (Halloween) at Plan B Books ( ) in Glasgow. Thanks to everybody who turned up to show support, chat and get sketches.

Thursday, November 1, 2012
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