Sunday, February 26, 2012

King Evil and Lady Death

Here's a cover image I worked on over the Christmas holidays for Curt Sibling's King Evil.
Curt is a big fan of Lady Death so I took the opportunity to do an King Evil-esque adaption of the cover art from Lady Death issue one.
I only discovered the art of the late Steven Hughes very recently but he was a truly wonderful talent. His take on Lady Death is still the best although there have been many amazing artists that have illustrated the strip.

Curt Sibling has been an illustrator for more than 20 years producing his Total Fear strips and many others. I met him at college in the early 90's and it was his enthusiasm and industrious work ethic that inspired me to pick up the pen and start the art game. So it's him you have to blame.
King Evil/Crusaders should be out in the next month or two


  1. Woah! That's fantastic. Like Kurt's drawing come to life.
    Nice job.
