Happy St Andrews Day! I should have thought things thru a bit better and drawn up something very Scottish for today but that would have required more forward planning than my brain normally allows. Instead I'll just happen to mention that my first ever strip for the weekly comic 2000AD will be on the newsagents shelves tomorrow (1st December). I've illustrated a four page Terror Tale called 'Menhir' written by Arthur Wyatt. Obviously I'm highly excited to be in a comic I've read for the last 25 years so I hope, if you don''t all ready read 2000AD every week (if you don't you've been missing out), you'll pick up an issue this week.
You'll spot issue #1713 very easily on your newsagents shelf as it has a brilliantly colourful cover by Matt (D'Israeli) Brooker to accompany the Judge Dredd strip inside drawn by the legend that is Brendan McCarthy. Reason enough to go buy.
Oh I should also mention I've done an interview over at the "Everything Comes Back To 2000AD' website.
Hi Graeme - managed to fight my way through the ice mountains last week just to pick up a copy of this. Really nice strip, loved it, your art gave it just the right kind of moody feel for that type of 'horror' story. Don't know why but the strip kind of reminded me of some old Hammer House tv serial episodes. Sure it will lead to much more work -excellent and congrats again.