This weekend I will be in Lille, France for the annual Comic Festival. Julien Schantz the organiser invited me back again this year after my successful wooing of Frank Quitely to appear as a guest. We are also going to be signing at Furet du Norde de Lille bookshop (which I believe is the largest BD store in France? Maybe even Europe?) A great opportunity to meet fans and generally have fun.
Other guests include JH Williams, Barry Kitson, Jock and Andy Diggle (the Ant and Dec of comics) and a host of European artists. Should be a good event.
No sketch this week (again) as most of my current work is NDA and the schedules are kinda crazy, especially with the down time lost for travelling. For this post I have included a photo of myself content and at home at last week's London MCM event. One of the CosPlayers graciously allowed me to wear her Silent Hill helmet. I really think this is my new look of choice and compliments my kilt beautifully. What do you think?
Crikey, I thought it was Torquemada for a second!