Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Saucy Jack

He's a naughty one. Card art Image for Vampire, The Eternal Struggle (White Wolf) done over the summer, but with the impending release of the new card set next week, I'm now able to show some of the work. Having done plenty of monochrome art for the World of Darkness game line, it was a great opportunity to move into some colour work with similar themes. And it must be something of a coup to get to do Jack the Ripper, transported to a modern setting by sorcery.

I was in a 3D phase at the time I did this, where I was relying quite heavily on digital tools for composition and lighting. This wasn't done with those crutches, and I think hasn't suffered in the slightest. Go figure... ;)

(C) White WOlf 2009


  1. I actually thought you might have used some degree of 3D for your perspective but knowing now that you haven't, i'm twice as impressed.

    No easy feat to pull off low angles like that.
