Monday, August 24, 2009

JonDay: Never before seen

So usually I flagrantly flout the basic idea of Scotch Corner and post work I haven't made this week. Needs must when the devil drives or whatever that piece of homespun wisdom says. What does it even mean?!

Nevermind that. Here's something I'm working on right now, for myself, which hasn't been seen anywhere else yet. Its the first in what will be a series of images I'm making for a slightly different market than usual. I've had an absolute blast working up some large scale widescreen images just like this one for a super secret project, but it could be months even years before I can share those, or even the name of the project. Which was vexing me slightly, until I realised that it is well within my power to take what I've learned with those images, twist the content to a wider theme and voila!

There will be a figure or two in there by the end, but for now it's just the landscape. This is all ArtRage so far, with a teensy bit of Painter, but not so much as you'd know. Of course, because it fits the idea of Scotch Corner so well, the format of the image, by the power of Sod's Law is utterly unsuited. But hey, we're all friends here, right? What's a couple of gigantically wide images between pals?

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Ye Bigge Thumbe Naile:

Don't forget you only have a few days left to enter the first print contest. So get to it! Click that thar button over yonder ->


  1. Cracking work in progress and the final piece on your blog looks brilliant. Very atmospheric. Also I like to see a painted mountain range that you know has been nowhere near an application like Vue etc. :)
